The Research Project CERVIA – Innovative and Advanced Methods for Certification and Verification – will develop, with reference with advanced aeronautical structures, namely composite structures of a transport regional aircraft, innovative design methods, that will allow a meaningful improvement of the verification and certification process.

These methods will solve some composite design problems not yet adequately explored and will be validated through an adequate testing programs based on coupons, details, elements, sub components and components.

The methods will include toughness properties, behaviour in dynamic conditions (mainly crashworthiness). Environmental ageing issues will also be included, as well as non destructive testing and health monitoring issues. Also the process parameters will be considered, studied with adequate simulation models, and the defect effect will be evaluate on the aeronautical structures behavior. A specific activity will be dedicated to the lean engineering techniques, and in such environment will be investigated the issues of design optimisation by the environmental point of view (green engineering).

All these activities will allow to exploit the opportunities offered by the availability of powered Hardwares e Softwares, making feasible with affordable costs the utilization of HPC (High Performance Computing) techniques.